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  • Writer's pictureAccurate Building Maintenance

How Dirty is Your Child's School?

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

With hundreds of students attending classes each day, educational facilities are one of the easiest places for germs and bacteria to thrive if the building is not properly cleaned. We go above and beyond everyday cleaning to ensure that the school is clean and that kids miss less days due to illness.

How dirty is your school?

Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting are the same, right?

They are actually quite different. But when done properly they can reduce the risk of illness and spreading of germs, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for all users of the building, including students, staff and visitors.

Our cleaning professionals deliver: An immaculate facility that utilizes the latest cleaning practices to maximize efficiency.

  • Dedicated and experienced support able to handle any cleaning challenges.

  • 24-hour in the field operations support and detailed routine inspections.

  • We offer more than just competitive pricing.

  • We provide your campus with a sense of security, safety and trust.

  • We provide a fully trained professional staff, and extensive background checks.

Schedule your personal cleaning evaluation today.

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